Wednesday, October 14, 2015


This book will give you some help on getting even with a bad neighbor, or mean boss, or business that did you wrong. Even an ex-lover or anyone else that did you wrong!

In this book, you will find many ways to get even or revenge on someone, and the best revenge, is when they do not know it came from you!

Try not to break any laws, and the best revenge is always forgiveness, but if you don’t have that in your heart, and you want and eye for any eye, then read on!

1. Garage Sale Prank: You can place an ad in the classified section of your local newspaper advertising a Hugh Garage Sale, and then listing the address of your victim. Advertise televisions, computers, classic cars, antiques, etc. Sale begins at 6:00 a.m. all items are in the backyard, just come around back and come early!

2. X-rays at Airports: Purchase a large adult bedroom sex toy. Wrap it in a large amount of aluminum tin foil. Secretly hide it in a piece of the victims carry on luggage. As it goes through the airport x-ray machine the contents of the device will be shielded by the tin foil and will be unwrapped and inspected by airport security officials. An absolute fun prank to pull on your enemy!

3. Oil Spot: At night pour used motor oil underneath the victim's car while parked in the driveway. Pour enough that will be alarming. Continue to do this each night. The subject will spend great deals of money trying to get the oil leak repaired time and time again. I have even heard of a person buying a new car after the repeated attempts at repair. Imagine their surprise and frustration when that new car starts leaking too!

4. Flat Tire: This is very similar to the Oil Spot, but with a twist. Let most of the air out of one of your victim's tires. Keep doing this each night, and watch as they call a tow truck or the Automobile Club day after day. Odd how those new tires keep losing air, too!

5. Paper Money: Write a sexually oriented solicitation message, victim's name and phone number (inviting a phone call) on the edge of several pieces of paper money before spending them. The victim will receive many eye popping inquiries. You would be surprised at what a whole handful of them would do to your target!

You can read the rest of this story from any of the major book sellers, or also at or You can also listen to it in Audio.

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