Chapter 1 -
Chapter 1 - How to Tell if Your Boyfriend
or Girlfriend Is Cheating on You*
Aside from the feelings we get when we first enter a relationship, once the “newness” wears off and the “honeymoon” is over, sometimes we wonder if our partner is cheating on us. Whether you’ve been cheated on before or not or if there are signs, maybe lipstick on his collar or she is getting texts in the middle of the night that she just “has” to reply to. Sometimes our instincts tell us that something isn’t right and we should further investigate our instincts.
Being cheated on is no fun. Especially if you are making future plans with this person and have invested a lot of time in getting to know each other. Even more so if you are living together and sharing a life together. When you find out your partner is cheating on you, it can be devastating!
Not everyone cheats, but as a growing trend of online dating sites and the internet being the number one form of communication these days, opportunities arise for many to cheat on their partners.
Sometimes when we suspect someone is cheating on us, we are wrong. Like perhaps when your partner is out late and says they are working. You might suspect that they are cheating on you, when in reality, they are actually working late. It’s when isolated instances like that make us wonder, but there is no real proof or that our suspicions are unfounded.
But, then there are times when we see signs that point towards infidelity. It’s those that come in numbers that we need to take attention to.
Before you confront you partner, here are some signals that you should be looking for and hen make your own assessment.
- If they have stopped talking to you and communicating with you, especially if they have been really good about it before. If they seem suddenly distant from you and or lacking intimacy with you? If so, they very may well be cheating on you because they are sharing with another person now.
- Remember before when you could come over to their house unannounced or *show up at their work for a surprise lunch visit? But, now when you do, they get angry and irritated with you. Chances are because the other woman or man is doing the same thing and they don't want you to run into each other. That could easily blow their cover!
- Look for any changes in their routine. Is there anything out of their normal everyday things they do? Like, for instance, are they working late at the office every night all of a sudden and have never done so before? Are they paying more attention to their cell phone texts when they are with you, but when you are not together, do they take forever to reply back to you?
- Are they secretive about their text messages or contacts on their cell phone, when once they didn't care if you would look through their phone at all? Have they added a password on their laptop or tablet when before you were able to access it with no problem at all? Wake up, they are hiding something and don't want you to see what it is that they are hiding from you. More than likely, photos or love notes to and from the person they are cheating on you with.
- If you feel that your partner is talking excessively about someone and how much they despise them and how unattractive they are, but seem to be still talking about them constantly, chances are that they are trying to throw you off the interest they have in them. They are trying to use reverse psychology on you.
- Look for mood changes around you. Do they tend to want to lean more into starting fights with you, whereas before they would avoid them all together? Do they seem only moody around you? When someone is cheating they will displace their own anger within themselves and guilty feelings onto their partner. They are harboring negative feelings and you will be the one they will aim towards, this will give them justification within themselves to cheat on you.
- When they come home, are the smell of cologne, if they are a girl or perfume if they are a male? Chances are it is the person's scent they have on them that they are cheating on you with. If you don't recognize that scent, then they have been very close to someone with that scent. - Are their political views changing? Their music tastes? Maybe they have taken up a new hobby that they once had told you that they despise. If a person suddenly starts spending time with a new person, often times they will adapt to their way of thinking and their tastes. Things they once despised will seem fabulous to them because they are trying to impress the other person.
- Remember when they would take calls right in front of you because it was their friends calling to confirm the plans for the weekend? Are they now suddenly leaving the room to take a call because they don't want you to hear their conversation? Perhaps the conversation is with the person they are cheating on you with and they don't want you to hear their sweet nothings to that person. And if you ask them who it was and they reply with, "It was no one." Then you should investigate. Since when does a "no one" require their undivided attention?
- When you go into their car or home and they have to "make sure things are clean" before you enter. This might be a good indication that they need to hide her earring she left behind in the car or that the condom by the side of the bed needs to be thrown away.
- Another good indication is if your partner lies to you. A good way to check on this is if you ask them where they were or went to lunch and who they were with. Ask them what they had for lunch and at what restaurant. A few days later, ask them about it again and be casual about it. If they lie about what they had and or where they went, then chances are that they can be lying to you about other things.
- Look at receipts or credit card bills if you can. If your partner is constantly going out and paying for two meals every time and you're not with them or if you notice your boyfriend bought a ring or necklace and saw the credit card bill or receipt for it and you have never seen the jewelry, because it was obviously not for you, then be on alert.
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