Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to Look for a Job after Completing College

Chapter 1 – When to Start Looking?

When should you start looking for a job? Some may think it’s while you are a senior in college. Some think it should be before that. It is wise to look at the job market in the field you wish to get your degree in to make sure it is a smart decision on your part. For example, if you want to get your degree in Archeology and there isn’t that much of a job market for an Archeologist, then maybe you should change your major.

Look and see what qualifications are required for the career you want to study for. That way when you do graduate you are all set to send out your resume or fill out those job applications.

When you are a senior you are going to be busy with finishing college, taking finals, writing reports, etc… By then, you should already have an idea of where to apply for a job.

Your senior year will be very stressful and exciting. All that hard work and studying will finally pay off after graduation. That is, if you play your cards right. You need to start thinking about life after college as soon as possible. That way, you will get a jump start on the career of your choice!

Searching For a Job

Begin searching for a job before entering your senior year of college. You don’t need to start putting job applications in just yet though. Job searching for now will suffice. You want to get an idea of what is out there and what to expect when you are ready to start applying. This will also give you time to study and research on the companies that are out there in the field you are preparing for while in college.

This will also give you an idea of what requirements are needed from you in order to obtain the position you desire. You can do your research on the internet, newspaper want ads and even by word of mouth. You can also schedule a tour of the company if you want to really get into your research. Sometimes college libraries have research materials and information on companies who hire. This is more geared towards colleges that specialize in certain fields. Also, look into the career center at your college, if they have one.

Your Cover Letter and Resume

It’s time to polish up that cover letter and update your resume. Always include essential information that pertains to the field you want to get into. Include your skills, work experience, activities, schooling, your personal accomplishments and any memberships of associations that will impress a potential employer. If you’re not sure how to deliver a resume and cover letter that stands out, research on the internet for tips and ideas or stop by your college career center and have it looked at. That is what they are there for.

Your References

When filling out a job application you are almost always asked for business references. Be prepared for this. You are usually required to have at least three of these. This is where you being to choose the people that would most likely give you a glowing reference.

If at all possible, try to choose those in your field of work, whether it’s a professor from your college, your boss at an internship you worked at, etc… You want them to speak highly of your work and give you great references. Some mistakes novices make is in choosing friends and family as their references.

Always make sure your references are either individuals who appreciate your skill set or professionals in your field, mentors, etc…

Applying for a Job

Don’t apply for a job if the start date is before you graduate. Make sure that the start date is after graduation. You don’t want the pressure of starting a new job and studying and taking your finals and writing any reports or essays while still in college. Finals week is stressful enough without having the stress added to starting a new job.

Check and see if your college hosts a job fair. This is a good way to get in touch with an assortment of companies in one place and to save you some footwork. Always bring enough copies of your resume to hand out to potential employers. Attending a job fair is a wonderful way to apply for jobs and meet the hiring personnel from many companies in one place. Sometimes, you may even get an interview right on the spot.

Graduated and Jobless

So, what if you can’t find a job after graduation? There is a chance that might happen. But, don’t panic. Try considering taking an internship at a company you would like to work for. This could lead to a job in that company. There are a lot of paid internships in larger companies.

You can also contact a staffing agency or temporary agency and they can place in you a company in your field temporarily which can possibly lead to permanent employment.

Chapter 2 – How to Successfully Complete a Job Application

Now that you have successfully graduated from college, it is time to get out in that job market and do some job hunting. But, what if you have never hunted for a job before? This is all so new to you and possibly overwhelming!

In this chapter, I will guide you through how to successfully fill out a job application. Always remember that filling out a job application shouldn’t be stressful. Look at it as a rewarding experience. If you already have a resume filled out and you show up at a job and they want you to fill out an application, keep in mind some employers prefer job applications filled out over resumes because many times they want you to sign a paper for a background check, etc. If you don't have a resume, now is the time to create one.

If you are going into part-time work, entry level work, blue collar work, these are times when a potential employer uses a job application to pre-screen their potential employees.

The potential employer will use the information on the application to determine if they want to call the potential employee in for an interview or a pre-interview, like a phone interview.

For some companies, a job application is paperwork that the Human Resources department requires to have on file.

You can read the rest of this story from any of the major book sellers, or also at http://www.vincestead.com or http://www.fun2readbooks.com You can also listen to it in Audio.

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