Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Girl's Guide to Being Single

Chapter 1: Being a Single Girl Has Its Perks!

You’re a single girl who is independent and carefree. Maybe you’ve just gotten out of a divorce or it’s been awhile since your break-up with your boyfriend. You’ve gotten over the relationship ending and you are comfortable and actually happy being single. Sure, there are times when you wish you had someone to cuddle with on those cold and rainy nights, but you have learned to compensate and be good to yourself, instead of worrying about how to please the other person.

Your happiness as a single girl depends on how you deal with it. There are many things you can do to celebrate your shackles being unlocked. One of them is NOT sitting at home moping around wishing you had someone to share your life with.

With that attitude, you exude desperation and loneliness and ask any guy, that is a major turn off, even other girls will tell you that a desperate guy isn’t attractive at all. Men love confident women, not to be confused with cocky or arrogant. But, a woman with a certain independent flair about herself and an air of confidence will attract the men like bees to honey.

But, right now, you prefer to be alone and enjoy your “me” time. Because that is exactly what it is. This is your time to rediscover yourself, maybe find yourself again if you had been married or in a long term relationship where you lost your identity of who you were. Maybe you need some soul searching and to make changes in your life. Or maybe it’s just your time to celebrate being single and have fun in the process!

Ladies, have you ever had a long day at work, drive home in bumper to bumper traffic for two hours, walk through the door only wanting a glass of wine, a hot bubble bath, lit candles, a good book or some of your favorite tunes to listen to and you are greeted at the door by your husband or boyfriend with, “Thank god you’re home! I’m starving!” While he is sitting on your sofa watching the sports game of the night.

This is when the perks of being a single girl look pretty damn good at that point. When you’re single and you come home from a long day of work and battling traffic jams on the way home, all you want to do is take a nice hot bubble bath and relax with a bottle of wine that you don’t have to share with anyone and if you want something stronger than wine, then you can have that as well and not have to worry about making dinner for anyone or catering to anyone. If you want, you can just order delivery or take-out and enjoy your quiet evening at home with a romantic movie and no sport games on the T.V. You don’t have to listen to anyone complain about their day and compare yours with theirs on how bad it was.

If you want to complain or talk about your day to someone, you can always call one of your girlfriends and confide in her and if you are feeling rather generous, listen to what she has to say as well. Then smile when she begins to complain about how her boyfriend doesn’t do this or that for her and then be thankful that you are single!

Once you are done with your bath, knocked off a bottle of wine, watched your romantic movie or movies, depending on how tired you were, now is bed time. You crawl into the nice clean sheets you had put on your big bed this morning. You know they are clean and that no one has slept in them, because you live all alone.

This is your bed, you do not share it with anyone. You have it all to yourself. No one to steal the blankets and no one to steal your pillows. And best of all, no one to listen to snore. Yes, you know what I am talking about. I am sure that all of us at one point or another have had that ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who could rip the shingles off the house by snoring.

A snoring love partner is not one to be taken lightly. I had an ex-boyfriend who shook the walls literally when he snored. I mean, he was a big guy and it seems to me that most big guys snore very loudly. I lost so much sleep over his snoring.

When I had broken up with him, I had finally gotten a good night’s sleep. Truth be told, I had forgotten what one of those were like.

So, now since you do not have to share the bed with anyone else but yourself, you can get a very restful good night’s seep and wake up feeling rested and well refreshed in the morning.

No more dark circles under your eyes, no more tired looking eyes from lack of sleep or even being up all night crying because of an argument you and your boyfriend have had. No more of those long nights staying awake wondering if he’s going to call you. Just a nice and quiet peaceful night’s sleep and on your own schedule!

I had a boyfriend who would stay over and then get up two hours earlier than me to go to work! I had to go by his schedule in sleeping. I had to rearrange my sleep pattern in order to accommodate him in his. No more of that! I go to sleep when I want and wake up when I want on no one’s schedule except my own!

Ever have one of those boyfriends or husbands who didn’t like you sleeping in a large t-shirt and shorts and wanted you to wear lingerie all the time? I did. It gets tiring of having to please them at all times wearing sexy lingerie, panties and a bra.

Sometimes you just want to “bum it” in sweats and a t-shirt and leave the sexiness outside. When you are single, you don’t have to impress anyone with sexy lingerie or matching bra and panty sets.

So, you get up in the morning after a restful night’s sleep. You decide you want to make some breakfast. Pancakes sound really good with whipped cream and strawberries. Who cares about those little extra calories? It’s the weekend and you’ve been hitting the gym all week and can afford to splurge in the calorie department without having anyone there to tell you or watch you. NO GUILT!

After breakfast and the calories haven’t kicked in yet, they usually take a day or so before they show. Take advantage! You decide to go outside and wash your car and the frat guys across the street are doing the same. You have on your short Daisy Duke shorts and a bikini top and you want to get a little extra sun while you wash your car. Flirt like hell with those guys. You’ve already caught them checking you out.

You can read the rest of this story from any of the major book sellers, or also at http://www.vincestead.com or http://www.fun2readbooks.com You can also listen to it in Audio.

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