Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What Was the Best Vacation You Ever Had?

1. New Story

The best holiday I had was a week in a holiday called Butlins/ My sister was taking her two young daughters and wanted me to give them a lift as she had no car, it was quite a long drive so when we got there my sister said I should stay the night in the spare bed. I stayed that night and in the morning we went down for breakfast and the staff said it was for two children and one adult, my sister said there must be a mistake as it was supposed to be for two children and two adults, they just accepted that so I got a free breakfast.

That day I stayed longer than I had meant to as we were having fun, so at dinner time I went with my sister to the restaurant and got a free meal again. This was great so I stayed another night. We went to the pub and watched some live shows and a couple of comedians.

I ended up staying for the whole week and half way through my sisters friend came down so the three of us had some real good fun, dancing, drinking and we also made a “pop” video which was a laugh.

The thing that made this holiday so good was the fact it was not planed, well not for me, I didn’t even have a change of clothes or any money so I had a weeks holiday for nothing, saw some famous acts and had a really good time, I don’t think that could ever be beat as it was just a spontaneous week.

2. New Story

What a Fun Experience!

There’s this hidden paradise resort somewhere in our hometown and it’s called Oh La La Spring Resort. To get there, you need to pass through the thick terrain of lahar paths and giant slates and boulders that were created by the majestic Mayon Volcano. The lahar paths were all made of dark black and gray deposits that Mayon had spewed. It isn’t that secluded at all since there are small communities in this area, but because of the brush, the greens and the fields, you will definitely feel that you are out of the bustling city.

The Mayon Volcano is generally a spectacle already. It stands just in the center of everything, towering over like a true royalty. On clear days, it appears a deep blue and the crevices and the deep canals are wonderfully visible, appearing as if you can already touch it. On cloudy days, the royal queen would just clad herself with white cotton sheets, hiding away from all prying eyes.

In addition to that, the hidden resort is just as awesome. There were gardens of flowers and dangling vines everywhere. The breeze is basically cool and damp and the splashes on the pool waters just make you want to dive already. But what is more fun is that I was in the company of my twenty friends, and with twenty companions you can never get bored.

There were available cottages to rent and our company rented the largest one. It stands beside the clear pool and also the chain fence. Just on the other side of the fence you will see a wide array of vegetation. There were thick Mahogany trees, brushes, wild flowers and vines all thriving in the shoulders of a creek. Not far is a yellow green rice field, a cute brown nipa hut and a sunbathing carabao chewing cud in its mudhole. If you look close enough, you will see tiny maya birds just roosting on its horns.

As for food, we had plenty of Filipino cuisine. Adobo, fried kangkong, steamed tilapia, palabok, igado, malagkit and the staple rice! We also have on our table fresh lumpia and Shanghai rolls, a lot of fruits including rambutan and bananas. A friend also brought a homemade lambanog, a potent Coconut alcohol which is really fiery in the throat.

You can never get enough of the sun in the Philippines because it’s an ever present omnipotent element. But, one thing to consider is that days here are never the same. You might wake up hearing the morning birds chirping outside and the sun basking its glow in your window, but after a few hours or so, the rain clouds would just roll by. Weather here is unpredictable, but it’s totally fun because as we were swimming on the cool pool under the bright sun, all of a sudden the elements exchanged roles. The rain poured and we went swimming on a warm pool under the grey sky.

We had a lot of fun in the pool. The thing about my friends and I is that we will always be children in our hearts. Despite living different lives as pre adolescents, we still find time to regroup and recollect. And these events will always bring out the children spirits inside us. The laughs and the giggles, that’s absolutely what knits us together.

You can read the rest of this story from any of the major book sellers, or also at http://www.vincestead.com or http://www.fun2readbooks.com You can also listen to it in Audio.

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